How much does a Canon Camera Weigh

You curious about how much does a Canon camera weight. This post will give you the camera weight for each of the Canon cameras.

How much does the average camera weigh? Over all, with all included, the average DSLR weighs 1.7 pounds, although there is quite a range from the lightest to heaviest Canons. Here's a quick look at the 4 different size classifications of Canon cameras and their weight ranges, compact DSLR, mirrorless, prosumer, and professional.

Canon camera weight bar graphCanon camera weight bar graph

1. weight of compact Canon cameras

Canon's compact DSLR cameras include the Rebel SL1, SL2, and SL3. They weigh between .9 pounds and 1.5 pounds. They're still bona fide DSLR cameras, but the whole design process was centered around keeping them as small and light as possible.

Compact DSLRs weigh between 0.9 to 1.5 pounds. Here are 5 weight examples in this class.


1.0 LBS


0.99 LBS


1.3 LBS


1.2 LBS


1.1 LBS

2. what's the weight of canon mirrorless cameras

Canon's mirrorless cameras weigh about half as much as their average DLSR. That's because mirrorless cameras don't need room for the prism housing, nor the room for the mirror assembly.

Mirrorless cameras weigh between 0.6 and 1.6 pounds.

Canon M100

.67 LBS

Canon M50

.85 LBS

Canon M6 Mark II

.90 LBS

Canon EOS RP

1.1 LBS

Canon EOS R

1.5 LBS

3. weight of Canon prosumer

This category of Canons is the largest in terms of sales and popularity. This includes cameras called "enthusiast," "advanced hobbyist" and "professional" who want a prosumer as a backup-that's where I come in with my Canon 70D.

This category of Canons typically weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds.

Canon 7D Mark II

1.9 LBS

Canon 6D Mark II

1.7 LBS

Canon 5D Mark III

2.0 LBS

Canon 5D Mark IV

2.0 LBS

Canon 90D 

2.7 LBS

4. the heavyweights of professional canons

The Canon DSLRs that weigh in as the heaviest cameras are the ones that have the permanent extended battery grip. They all have full frame sensors and the camera body and lens sizes to match.

Pro Canon cameras weigh between 2.5 and 3.5 pounds.

Canon 1Ds Mark III

3.1 LBS

Canon 1Dx Mark III

3.2 LBS

Canon 1Dx Mark II

3.4 LBS

creative ways to express the weight of canon cameras

A prosumer camera weighs about the same amount as a liter of water, which is about 2.2 lbs.

The weight of a Canon mirrorless EOS R is about 1.5 pounds, which is the same as 2 cans of soup.

canon camera weight warning

The weight of the lens makes a big contribution to the overall weight. You'll never be using your camera without a lens attached and lenses can weigh heavier than the camera bodies.

Lens weight effect on Canon camera weightBar graph on Canon camera and lens weight

how to lighten your Canon camera load.

In addition to getting away from shooting with a full frame camera, you can use an EF-S lens rather than an EF lens. Although both of these types of lenses will fit on your Canon crop sensor camera, the EF-S lenses are smaller, more affordable, and lighter.

If you're in the market for a new Canon, consider mirrorless. They've come down in price, have adequate lenses available and are oh so light to carry.

Keep having a blast by shooting a Canon!

Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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