The questions is often asked, why did I become inspired to build a website all about Canon camera equipment. I've been inspired by photography for most of my life. More on that in a minute, but why Canon?
As it turns out, the first digital camera I ever used was not a Canon. It was a 4.0 Megapixel Olympus E10. I didn't use it that much because it didn't have interchangeable lenses and the sensor was only a 4 MP.
Dust on sensors was one of the big negative issues talked about at that time and I mistakenly chose a camera with the lens sealed to the camera body.
Sometimes the smallest choices you make end up being a big influence on the direction of your life. I chose Canon because they had the largest market share for digital cameras at that time-and they still do-and because of the extensive number of different lenses they make.
I did much more extensive research, read a ton of reviews, and my first DLSR was the Canon 10D. Once you build up a collection of Canon lenses and Canon accessories, and you're satisfied with the photos you get, you stick with it.
I made the website to answer your questions about Canon gear and help you improve your photography.
Whether it's coaching kids in sports, giving one-on-one camera instructions or running a photo workshop, I really enjoy inspiring others.
Throughout the day, people find out that I'm a photographer and they sometimes ask me questions about camera equipment. This site was made for you to get answers.
I've been a professional photographer for over 30 years and I started taking photos in 1969 when I was 10 years old.
I became interested in photographer for 3 reasons, and none of them were about making money.
I was inspired to become a PRO photographer for another reason. I didn't have the passion for chemical engineering and couldn't hack studying for it in college.
To get some inspiration for yourself, you may be interested in seeing some of my recent inspiration for shooting landscapes. Check out my gallery of photographs with quotes.
I earned the Gold Level of Canon Professional Services membership. It's because of all of the Canon camera equipment I've purchased over the years-not because of recognition as an award winning photographer.
I did graduate with honors with a B.S. in Professional Photography from Rochester Institute of Technology. I took a lot of photos during those 3 years and I learned a lot, but that was before digital photography existed. Just like you, I learn as I go and as the technology changes.
I just sold a few of my Canon camera bodies before updating this post. All my gear doesn't fit in once camera bag, not even close. This is what I own at the time of this update.
I am down to having just 4 Canon cameras. I feel like a minimalist, but that will change. I have a 5D Mark III, EOS 70D, Canon 90D, G1x Mark II, Canon EOS 20D. I also own a few lenses: Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 , two 24-105 f/4.0 lenses, 85mm f/1.8, Canon EF-S 10-18, f/4.5-5.6, Canon 16-35mm f/4.0.
I also have a lot of gadgets, gizmos, accessories, and thingamajigs, like 9 tripods, 2 monopods, 5 Canon speedlites, studio flash kits, extension tubes, clamps, reflectors, and more. Here are the resources I use for investigating and buying camera equipment and information.
You likely came here because you are a photographer who has an interest in Canon cameras, lenses, accessories, or alternative choices for photography equipment. I hope you find what you're looking for!
Photographers may be thought of as a little strange and I'm no exception. My name is Bruce Lovelace. I am a self-anointed Canon Camera Geek, although I don't attend weekly meetings at the CCGA (Canon Camera Geek Anonymous) support group.
After my cancer diagnosis, I became a little more introspective. I tried my hand at shooting creative selfies. It felt a little uncomfortable at first, but you'll get over it. Which is your favorite selfie below?
I get inspired when I can help people with choose the best camera gear for their situation. I am not a technical equipment tester. I like to read a lot of test results from several different sources. Then I read a ton of buyer reviews. Finally, I "play" a lot with equipment and then pass on the practical information to my readers.
I'm inspired by nature and it's my favorite subject to photograph with my Canon gear, and yes, sometimes with just my smartphone camera.
I added "affiliate" links and ads to this site to help pay for it. If you click one of the links and end up purchasing something, I get a little financial "thank you" from one of those merchants. There's no added cost to you. Right now they include ThinkTank Photo, Ebay, Amazon, and Adorama.
Thanks for your support!
That's enough about me. Now, it's time for you to get inspired with your photography! You can use the search box below to seek out topics you're interested in or see the links below my signature.
Have a blast.....shoot a Canon.
Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.
View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram and Flickr. Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.
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