Canon Powershot G1X Mark II Manual
(pocket user guide)

The Canon Powershot G1X Mark II manual-user guide that comes with the camera is useful in some ways and a little disappointing in others.

If you find it difficult to get interested in reading the G1X Mark II manual you're not alone.

I SUGGEST that taking just 10 minutes to flip through the table of contents and explore a few chapters will instantly give you a better understanding of the power and capabilities of your Powershot G1X Mark II camera.

You' really be glad you did. You can also download a version of the manual as a pdf and save it to your computer for easy reference.

Here is the link to the pdf page for Canon Camera Manuals. These are the free downloadable user guides written by Canon.

The printed manual for the G1X Mark II has 86 pages of English and equally sized sections in both Spanish and French languages.

The pdf version has 240 pages, all in English.  Since the pdf has horizontal pages, the layout is more pleasing to the eyes. The image below is a screen shot from the pdf users guide on the Mark II.

Screenshot of Canon G1X Mark II pdf manualScreenshot of G1X Mark II Manual

The photo below is a scan of one of the printed pages in the manual that comes when you buy the camera.  It is printed in black and white.  Which would you prefer to spend reading?

Page from G1X Mark II manualPage from G1X Mark II manual

Navigating the Canon Mark II PDF Manual

G1X Mark II Manual contentsUse The Guide

Navigating around the pdf version n Acrobat Reader or other similar pdf reader is easy

You can zoom out or to take a close look at the directions and images on any page.

You can hit a quick link on the right side of any page to get to any chapter in the user guide you wish. On the far right of your pdf reader, you can also slide up or down to any page.

When you click on one of the chapter tabs you are taken to the first page of that section that has a list all of the specific topics and pages within that chapter. Clicking on the page number gets you directly to that topic instantly.

Final Remarks on the Canon Powershot G1X Mark II Manual

The printed Canon Powershot G1X Mark II Manual that comes along with the camera is lame.  In its defense, it does do an adequate job of identifying the control buttons and dials on the G1X Mark II.

It also explains all of the modes and functions that the camera can perform.  It just feels like it was written awkwardly.It falls short by allocating a lot of confusing coverage and instructions on setting up the WiFi.

Shoot more Canons, watch less TV.

Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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