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How To Show G5X Mark II
Camera Details On Photographs

by Geraldine

Canon G5X Mark II Camera

Canon G5X Mark II Camera

I have a G5 X Mark II and when I download the photos onto the computer it does not show the camera details, but I have been able to do so manually. How do I get it to show automatically?

Hi Geraldine.

It's great to hear from one of the Canon Geek's readers from the Land Down Under. Thanks for asking about meta data showing up on your computer, once downloaded from your Canon G5X Mark II. I'm not sure I understand your question 100%, but I'll give it a try. Feel free to respond with a clarification.

I don't know what software you're using to view your G5X Mark II photos, but if I understand it right, you need to change settings on your computer, not in the G5X Mark II menu.

Canon G5X Mark II LCD Menu

Some software will show the hidden (meta data) and some won't. Are you using Windows file viewer or Canon's software? For the questions other Canon Geek readers have about whether the G5X Mark II is any good, I've included my thoughts on this unique camera below.

Canon G5X Mark II Pluses and Minuses

Geraldine, the G5X Mark II is a great, take anywhere camera that fits in a pocket. I I didn't already own a G1X Mark II, it's likely I'd have a G5X Mark II instead. My biggest peeve with the G1X Mark II is the need to add the EV-1 viewfinder. The pop-up viewfinder on the G5X Mark II is perfect.

Here's are two tables with the best and worst features of the Powershot G5X Mark II camera.

G5X Mark II Advantages

See the table below.

1.0 Inch Sensor The G5X Mark II's large sensor gives you superior image quality over the typical point and shoot camera
Pop-Up Viewfinder Viewfinders are so much better to use for composing your photograph, especially when you're shooting in a bright environment
RAW Mode Gives you the ultimate control and freedom to process your G5X Mark II images in a variety of ways
Video You can get creative with shooting slo-motion video at 120 frames-per-second
POCKET-SIZED The G5X Mark II really can fit in a decent sized pocket
LCD Screen The tilting LCD screen is large and positionable to shoot selfies and use for vlogging

G5X Mark II Disadvantages

See the table below.

Dim Lighting The G5X Mark II is just okay, not great, for avoiding digital noise in dimly lit (high ISO) situations
G5X M2 Grip I like a bigger, more secure grip when hand holding a camera-but hey, it is a compact camera.
Price This is not a cheap camera and this Powershot camera may be too much of an investment for the casual Canon shooter.
Action Photos The G5X Mark II is not a great camera for shooting sports, action or active wildlife. It's okay, but not that fast for fast moving subjects

Geraldine, let me know if you solve your issue on the camera data showing up automatically on your computer when using your Powershot G5X Mark II.

Stay inspired.
Shoot a Canon!



Canon G1X Mark II
How To Choose a Point + Shoot Camera

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Camera Details On Photographs

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All good
by: Geraldine

Many thanks Bruce, the camera Geek. I had a read of your information and then checked my photos again, Lo and Behold the details are there now! I do not know why they weren't showing in the properties a few weeks ago, but the problem has recitified itself. Many thanks and I do like the pros and cons for this camera.

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Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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